an Introduction to ayurveda


What is Ayurveda?

What we love about Ayurveda (The sister science to Yoga) or further broken down into it’s beautiful Sanskrit Ayus - translated to Life and Veda - translated to Knowledge is a lifestyle Science really helps us to understand who we are.  When we begin to realize who we are, we gain tools to make powerful changes to how we live which, when they take root, can blossom into great health, vitality, clarity, and personal evolution.

Ayurveda informs us that there is not one perfect diet for everyone, no perfect exercise program, and certainly not one lifestyle plan that suits all.  In this ancient science we learn to understand our own natural constitution (prakruti), and our current state (vikruti) and how we can bring our current state closer to our natural state for great health.  Not everyone is designed to eat raw.  Not everyone is their healthiest with the most vigorous yoga or fitness program. Not everyone needs 8 hours of sleep each night.  Some of us would benefit from these practices, but not all of us. 

Have you ever tried challenging yourself with a healthier lifestyle plan that is designed specifically for you? What to say about discovering and then practicing rituals + herbal medicine + food choices + environments specific to you and YOUR individual needs. Sounds heavenly right?

So, how to find the right path? Well, the first step is in understanding your dosha.  The three main doshas (constitutions) are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.  We are all a unique combination of these doshas – these doshas are all based around Pancha Maha Bhutus (the 5 elements).  The elements are Ether, Air, Fire Water, and Earth.

Kapha Dosha. Pitta Dosha. Vata Dosha. The Doshas in Ayurveda. Symbols for the doshas.

VATA DOSHA — is a combination of the elements of Air and Ether

PITTA DOSHA — is a combination of the elements of Fire and Water

KAPHA DOSHA — is a combination of the elements of Earth and Water


Take a peek at our find your Dosha chart below

Ideally, our aim in Ayurveda is to bring our current state closer to our natural state so that we may live our purpose.  So, once we find our natural constitution, we begin to understand where our current state is out alignment with our healthy natural state.  Ayurveda provides us with a multitude of daily practices (Dinacharya) food guidelines, herbal remedies, meditations, breathwork practices, mantra, and movement therapies to help us create a harmonious balance so that we may heal ourselves physically, mentally, and Spiritually. When we prioritize practicing even a few small changes for our growth and wellbeing, these can have a dramatic impact and life long effects.

We look forward to hearing how you flow with Ayurveda.

We hope you fall in love with this powerful life science just as much as we have!